1 | Owen, D.I., Cuneiform Texts Primarily from Iri-Saĝrig/Āl-Šarrākī and the History of the Ur III Period. 2. Catalogue and Texts, Nisaba. Studi Assiriologici Messinesi 15/2, Bethesda 2013 |
2 | Ozaki, T., "[Review of] D.I. Owen, Cuneiform Texts Primarily from Iri-Saĝrig/Āl-Šarrākī and the History of the Ur III Period. 2 vols., Nisaba. Studi Assiriologici Messinesi 15/1-2, Bethesda 2013", Archiv für Orientforschung 53 (2015) 304-317 |
http://store.barakatgallery.com/product/sumerian-cuneiform-tablet-109/ |
http://store.barakatgallery.com/product/sumerian-cuneiform-tablet-109/ |
http://cdli.ucla.edu/P387922 |
http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/epsd2/P387922 |