Bibliography |  Suggestions |
: 3 1 | Sigrist, M., "Livraisons et dépenses royales durant la Troisième Dynastie d'Ur", R. Chazan - W. W. Hallo - L. H. Schiffman (eds.), Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine, Winona Lake 1999, pp. 111-149
2 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 2 in Transliteration. |
3 | Steinkeller, P., "The administrative and economic organization of the Ur III state: the core and the periphery", McG. Gibson - R.D. Biggs (eds.), The Organization of Power: Aspects of Bureaucracy in the Ancient Near East, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilizations 46, Chicago 1987 (2nd ed. 1991), pp. 15-33
3 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied. |
webs : 4