: 3
1Shakhov, F.D., "Šest' neopublikovannych šumerskich tablicek iz kollekcii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo Ermitaza", Assiriologija i Egyptologija Sbornik statej Akademiky, Struve V. V., Leningrad 1964, pp. 63-78

6 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 6 in Handcopy; 6 in Transliteration; 6 in Translation.

2Koslova, N., Neusumerische Verwaltungstexte aus Umma aus der Sammlung der Ermitage zu St. Petersburg - Rußland, Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 21, Rome 2000

411 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 411 in Transliteration.
1 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

3CDLI - Digital Library, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, http://cdli.ucla.edu

29591 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 5 in Handcopy; 240 in Transliteration; 2 in Translation; 29517 in Photo.
1824 Neo-Sumerian text(s) only in catalogue.
1 Neo-Sumerian text(s) collated.
368 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.
4 reference(s) in BDTNS to seals edited or studied.