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1Yıldız, F. - Waetzoldt, H. - Renner, H., Die Umma-Texte aus den Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul. Nr. 1-600, Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 14, Rome 1988

599 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 2 in Handcopy; 599 in Transliteration.

2Waetzoldt, H. - Yıldız, F., Die Umma-Texte aus den Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul. Band II. Nr. 601-1600, Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico 16, Rome 1994

999 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 999 in Transliteration.
599 Neo-Sumerian text(s) collated.

3Maekawa, K., "Confiscation of private properties in the Ur III period: a study of é-dul-la and níg-GA", Acta Sumerologica 18 (1996) 103-168

9 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 9 in Handcopy; 3 in Transliteration.
68 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

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