1 | Loding, D., Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty, Ur Excavations Texts 9, Pennsylvania - London 1976 1018 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 1018 in Handcopy. |
2 | Limet, H., "[Review of] D. Loding, Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty, Ur Excavation Texts 9, Pennsylvania - London 1976", Bibliotheca Orientalis 35 (1978) 191-193 |
3 | Waetzoldt, H., "[Review of] D. Loding, Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty, Ur Excavation Texts 9, Pennsylvania - London 1976", Archiv für Orientforschung 26 (1978-79) 111-117 |
4 | Sallaberger, W., Der kultische Kalender der Ur III-Zeit, 2 vols, Berlin - New York 1993 |
http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/epsd2/P138988 |
http://cdli.ucla.edu/P138988 |