Bibliography |  Suggestions |
: 6 2 | Waetzoldt, H., "Miscellanea Neo-Sumerica, III: Kollationen zu M. Çiğ - H. Kızılyay, Neusumerische rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden aus Nippur I", Oriens Antiquus 14 (1975) 307-314
189 Neo-Sumerian text(s) collated. |
3 | Neumann, H., "Zur privaten Geschäftstätigkeit in Nippur in der Ur III-Zeit", M. deJ. Ellis (ed.), Nippur at the Centennial: Papers Read at the 35e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Philadelphia 1988, Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund 14, Philadelphia 1992, pp. 161-176.
36 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied. |
4 | Steinkeller, P., "The Ur III Period", R. Westbrook - R. Jasnow (eds.), Security for Debt in Ancient Near Eastern Law, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 9, Leiden 2001, pp. 47-62
33 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied. |
6 | Neumann, H., "Sumerische und akkadische Texte des 3. Jt. v. Chr.", B. Janowski - G. Wilhelm (eds.), Texte zum Rechts- und Wirschaftsleben, Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments Neue Folge 1, Gütersloh 2004, pp. 1-24
21 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied. |
webs : 3