: 5
1Hussey, M.I., Sumerian Tablets in the Harvard Semitic Museum (II) from the Time of the Dynasty of Ur, Harvard Semitic Series 4, Cambridge Mass. 1915

158 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 158 in Handcopy; 13 in Photo.

2CDLI - Digital Library, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, http://cdli.ucla.edu

29591 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 5 in Handcopy; 240 in Transliteration; 2 in Translation; 29517 in Photo.
1824 Neo-Sumerian text(s) only in catalogue.
1 Neo-Sumerian text(s) collated.
368 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.
4 reference(s) in BDTNS to seals edited or studied.

3Focke, K., Der Garten in neusumerischer Zeit, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 53, Münster 2015

2473 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

4Greco, A., Garden Administration in the Ĝirsu Province during the Neo-Sumerian Period, Bliblioteca del Próximo Oriente Antiguo 12, Madrid 2015

139 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

5Blaschke, T., Euphrat und Tigris im Alten Orient, Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 6, Wiesbaden 2018

142 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.