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1King, L.W., Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum, Part I (CT 1), London 1896

34 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 34 in Handcopy.

2King, L.W., Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum, Part X (CT 10), London 1900

52 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 52 in Handcopy.

3Pettinato, G., Texte zur Verwaltung der Landwirtschaft in der Ur-III Zeit, Analecta Orientalia 45, Rome 1969

71 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 71 in Transliteration; 71 in Translation; 27 in Photo.
1 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

4Figulla, H.H. - Sigrist, M. - Walker, C.B.F., Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. II, London 1996

4 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 4 in Transliteration.
5931 Neo-Sumerian text(s) only in catalogue.

5Maekawa, K., "Agricultural Production in Ancient Sumer (chiefly from Lagash materials)", Zinbun 13 (1974) 1-60

3 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

6Maekawa, K., "The Agricultural Texts of the Ur III Lagash of the British Museum (II)", Acta Sumerologica 4 (1982) 85-127

13 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 13 in Handcopy; 1 in Photo.
10 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

7Maekawa, K., "The Management of Domain Land in Ur III Umma: A Study of BM 110116", Zinbun 22 (1987) 25-82

1 Neo-Sumerian text(s) edited: 1 in Transliteration; 1 in Photo.
1 reference(s) in BDTNS to texts studied.

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