BDTNS 001204 =
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Dates Referenced
0000 - 05 - 20
Museum No.
Accession No.
Excavation No.
Private collection: anonymous, Unknown, Unknown
A ---
Barton, G.A. 
1914 HLC 3 335 (pl. 132) Edition (H
2021 ePSD P110206 Resource (T
––– CDLI P110206 Resource 
Author of Transliteration
Transliteration of text 
2001 Maaijer, R. de / Jagersma, B. ( CDLI ) 
Revision of text 
2001→ Molina, M. ( BDTNS ) 
This tablet from the Haverford Collection did not reach the Oriental Institute Museum (Chicago), as explained in a letter of Andrew Dix (Assistant Curator of the Tablet Collection) sent to Miguel Civil (2014.03.26), who forwarded it to M. Molina: "There are missing numbers from the HLC publications, so before the tablets were acquired by the OI some were sold separately or "lost." Here are the numbers that are not in the catalogue: 15, 18, 21, 22, 24, 44, 86, 107, 168, 171, 208, 263, 279, 284, 298, 320, 324, 335, 353, 377, and 402. They are missing from the accession file too, so there is no chance that they ever reached the OI. (There are three tablets without HLC numbers [A 32057-32059], so perhaps these could be matched to some of the missing HLC numbers.) (...) One more note about the collection: there is a sub-collection of the Haverford Collection, the Grant Collection, from which there are also missing numbers: 11, 12, 18-21, 25-29, 42, 43, 45, and 48-56. There are also a number of Grant tablets without a Grant Collection number (A 32122-32149) so there is no way to know precisely how many tablets from this sub-collection did not reach the OI (or Haverford College, for that matter). This whole issue came up once before, when one of the Haverford tablets which did not go to the OI appeared in a private collection in South Carolina without any legal paperwork to show how it left the Haverford collection. The OI was contacted about it, and the FBI was involved, but there wasn't any note in the accession file about how the case was resolved (if was resolved at all)".
See now L. Feliu, AuOr 35 (2017) 86f. n. 4.
[M. Molina]

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2 sila3 kaš 2 sila3 ninda 2 gin2 i3
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